May Simpson

UX Researcher

Photowalk at the Sutro Bath, SF :)

Hey there, 

My name is May, a UX Researcher and strategist by training, and a storyteller at heart. 

I have a motto: I will meet users where they are and to stay true to their journey, for it is then that I can drive meaningful design impact and help evolve the comprehension of our domain. I promise my value is not fully utilized until I'm helping everyone on the team grow collectively.

I'm currently assisting UX research at PlayStation, where I'm acquiring really cool game design toolkits -  researching how people learn and stay engaged. I also have a bottomless magical bag filled with tools from my past lives:

Happy to connect! I'm just one click away:

Resume | LinkedIn |


Semi-structured interviews 


Focus group

Card sorting

User journey map 

Affinity mapping

Survey design 

Usability testing 

Wire framing

Prototyping via Figma


How might Silicon Valley Bank resolve burnout, especially with the impacts of COVID and future economic developments?

Methods: Semi-structured interviews, affinity mapping, human-centered design ideation

How should tech companies, particularly startups, consider their role around social responsibilities?  

Methods: Focus Group, Card Sorting, Semi-structured Interviews

Methods: Semi-Structured Interviews, codebook, alternative activity

Credit: Jason Leung via Unsplash

My Favorite Perspectives

I have two eyes, but I love seeing through my third - my camera! 

Come take a peek.