May Simpson

UX Researcher

Hey there,

My name is May, a Master's student at the Berkeley School of Information practicing qualitative methods and human centered ideation. In my prior life pursuing medicine, I wore multiple hats: a policy/strategy fellow at a Manifest MedEX; a medical scribe at UCSF; and the prior Chair of the Berkeley City Community Health Commission. Some of the skills I carry forward with me to my research include:

As a past founder of a student healthcare advocacy organization, I carry with me relentless passion and curiosity in understanding how we might empower and ideate for those whom we are trying to serve. 

Resume | LinkedIn |


Semi-structured interviews 


Focus group

Card sorting

User journey map 

Affinity mapping

Survey design 

Usability testing 

Wire framing

Prototyping via Figma


How might Silicon Valley Bank resolve burnout, especially with the impacts of COVID and future economic developments?

Methods: Semi-structured interviews, affinity mapping, human-centered design ideation

How should tech companies, particularly startups, consider their role around social responsibilities?  

Methods: Focus Group, Card Sorting, Semi-structured Interviews

Methods: Semi-Structured Interviews, codebook, alternative activity

Credit: Jason Leung via Unsplash

It's about the Frameworks:

I have two eyes, but I love seeing through my third - my camera! Come take a peek.